Thursday, 2 July 2015

Summer blues?

SAD is not reserved for the winter months, summertime depression exists. For some, there are many reasons why the summer months bring very low mood.

If you don't have much body confidence, summer time can be a nightmare. Gone are the months that you can cover up; you need to remove some layers in order to feel more comfortable in the warmer weather, but this can leave you feeling less comfortable in terms of how you feel about yourself. 

For some with low self esteem, this time of year can cause you issues. You may see more people out and about, enjoying themselves, and feel unable to join in.

Financial stress may be more of an issue than normal, for example you may have to try to find extra pennies to cover costs such as childcare if you are a working parent, or feeling the need to book a holiday, after all, you may need one!

Even the worries of going on holiday can be overwhelming for some, if you manage to get one. Fear of flying, worries of being away from home and of course concern after recent terrorist attacks are just some of the things that may be cause for anxiety.

If you're a non-working parent, the thought of trying to fill the summer months (or weeks as the case may be) with things to do, feeling the need to entertain children or just getting through the six weeks holiday without any scars from sibling rivalry battles! You don't have to be the 'perfect' parent!

Then there are plenty of environmental factors that can lead some to feel low. If you are affected by hayfever, don't cope well with heat or humidity, or the light nights and mornings are preventing you from getting the sleep you need, all may have an impact on your general feeling of wellbeing.

If you have experienced the loss of someone close, whether through bereavement or relationship breakdown, summer time may be a painful reminder of happier times shared together.

I'm sure there are many other reasons besides these that may make summer difficult for some.
If you are affected by any of these issues, you don't have to shrug it off. Help is here if you are finding it difficult to get through the summer. Counselling can help you cope.